How Streamlined Communications Can Improve Service

Customer Service | 2 minute read

How Streamlined Communications Can Improve ServiceInternal communication can make or break customer service relations. Not only do employees need to stay abreast of the latest developments in the company, but they also need to be aware of the essence of the company’s brand, so the end user’s experiences will be consistent across the board. Unfortunately, streamlining internal communication is easier said than done, especially in large organizations. And accomplishing these objectives without a formal plan can lead to chaos—and in severe cases, employee burnout.

Here are six of the most common internal communication challenges, along with potential solutions to consider.

1. Inefficient Project Management

Problem: When employees are tasked with an important project, but tips and tools to streamline execution aren’t properly communicated.

Solution: To prevent overlap and boost efficiency in your contact center, consider project management software. For example, if you oversee a call center that frequently experiences issues with the proper routing of calls, consider implementing a software, such as Zipwire, to ensure callers have a pleasant experience and with reduced wait times.

2. Inconsistent Communication Methods

Problem: Pertinent correspondence is distributed using various mediums, increasing the likelihood of an integral piece of information being overlooked.

Solution: Determine which method of communication is most effective for dissemination, make a formal announcement, and remain consistent with dates and times for distribution. And before making a decision, solicit feedback from employees to determine their preferences.

3. Information Overload

Problem: Even after you’ve identified the most effective way to keep employees in the loop, you run the risk of inundating them with too much information, which hinders productivity.

Solution: For any urgent correspondence outside of the routine communication, allocate time from the workday to ensure you have their undivided attention. Consider having a working lunch or brief group meeting first thing in the morning.

4. Closed Line of Communication

Problem: You desire to keep the office running as smoothly as possible, but management’s workload hinders two-way communication. As a result, smaller problems that could have been resolved with a simple conversation beforehand are often blown out of proportion.

Solution: As tough as it may be to do so, implement an open door policy so small issues can be resolved when they arise and not at the next one-on-one company pow-wow after things have already gotten out of hand and tensions are high on both ends.

5. Unrealistic Targets

Problem: Unrealistic demands are being imposed upon employees and a formal support system isn’t available to foster development.

Solution: To eradicate this issue, consider developing a realistic set of criteria for evaluation purposes and incorporating continuing education programs to develop employee skill sets.

6. Negative Tone at the Top

Problem: Your lack of concern for employee development is apparent. Instead, your main focus is on the timely completion of assignments. As a result, employees are disgruntled and it shows when they are dealing with customers.

Solution: Provide employees with the right tools to improve their experience while serving customers. For example, cloud-based call center software streamlines customer service processes and increases both customer and employee satisfaction. Employees will feel empowered and appreciated.

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Allison Martin

Guest Blogger: Allison Martin

Allison Martin is a writer, financial mentor and business consultant to mommy-preneurs. Her work has been featured on ABC News, MSN Money, Yahoo! Finance, Fox Business, and Money Talks News. When she’s not writing away, Allison enjoys spending time with her family and traveling.


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