Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Fonolo’s Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Program ensures resiliency, recoverability, and contingency from significant business disruptions, such as local or...
Incident Response Plan We know that when our service in unavailable, your ability to service your customers is impaired, so we work hard...
Security Overview Fonolo has a dedicated security team that guides the implementation of controls, processes, and procedures governing the security of Fonolo...
Fonolo Service Level Agreement This Fonolo Service Level Agreement (“SLA”) governs the use of all Fonolo Services (“Services”) under the terms set out in...
Fonolo Privacy Policy Your Privacy is Important To Us! Effective May 23, 2018 Foncloud, Inc. (DBA Fonolo, herein known as “Fonolo”, “we”, or...
Fonolo Data Retention Policy Customer data is retained on the Fonolo platform for the life of the Fonolo service, and for 90 days after...